Activities and Welfare

Beach Cleaning CSR Event 2022.

On the 20th of March 2022, with the concept of GP Garments Senior Management, conducted a Beach cleaning event at Panadura Navro Beach location. The event was a stepping stone toward building a larger campaign against Ocean pollution in the country. For this event GP Garment Staff members, Department of Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management, Panadura Municipal Council and Panadura Senior Superintend Police Division participated and the head count was more than 120.

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island surrounded by breathtaking coastal areas. Unfortunately, because of immoral human behavior the ocean pollution has increased in a significant manner. Identifying the need of this, GP Garment beach cleanup comprised two unique features. One of the main objectives of the event was to raise awareness about plastic pollution amongst visitors and the general public and setting an example to the society, secondly in a pandemic situation like this, without isolating and ignoring the contribution we can give towards the society, to do what we can do in a different manner, to make a change in a pandemic situation as such.

Special thanks goes to GP Garments Managing Director Mr. Serge Watte, CFO Mr. Patrice Germann, CFO Head office Belgium Mr. Gills, Senior Management Head of Human Resources Mr. Sanjaya Nayanajith, Head of Production Mr. Lakshman, Panadura Division SSP Mr. Wedage, ASP Mr. Senarathne, Coastal Resource Management Head Mr. Vinod, Panadura Police Environment section, Panadura Municipal Council and non-other than GP Staff who tremendously support us to make this event successful. Add hog to this, we understand it’s our social responsibility to looks after our environment and we will be conducting many more CSR event such as where we can change and make and impact on the society at least twice a year.

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