Activities and Welfare

Health & Safety Week 2015

GP employees shined at the Health & Safety Week Competitions organized by BOI Avissawella and the Department of Labour, Factory Division. At the event held on 13.10.2015 at BOI Auditorium before the Chief Guest Hon. Minister John Senevirathne, Minister of Labour & Labour Relations, Anusha from HR Department showed her colours wining the first place in  oratory competition. She presented her skills at the event and became the cynosure.  Samith from HR attracted the gathering presenting a training on  “ First Aid”. He also won the first place in Short video competition. GP won 3rd place in Art, 4 places in Oratory competition, 4 more places in Art competition.

Mr. Patrice, CFO were among the distinguished guests… amidst a large gathering…………….

Our employees brought feathers in the cap of GP……………..

Cheers up……………..

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